Our Focus on Academics
Our focus on academic excellence reacts our deep desire to equip our students with the required knowledge and skills to be global citizens. The multi-cultural environment fosters understanding, tolerance and respect for individuals irrespective of caste, colour and creed.
The teachers who prove to be facilitators hail from various parts of our city. They enrich the learners’ experience with their prescience and knowledge. Students work with well- designed routines with equal importance being given to play, study and prep time. The students’ emotional and psychological concerns are taken care of by the counseling department that works in tandem with the other staff and mentors.
The methods of instruction are constantly upgraded to follow the latest acceptable trends in the lead of education .The congenial that is created taking into consideration the learning style of every child includes the use of technology in the classroom as Computer lab and Language labs for the knowledge enrichment.

Computer Education
Effective use of computers in today’s age is indispensable and we make sure each child is well-equipped to handle key software like PowerPoint, Word and various other applications that promote project based study. We ensure the students have easy access to the latest multimedia range of computers and a steady internet connection. To imprint concepts in the minds of our students, we have integrated computer studies with a theme related to each level of study.
School Library
A well read person has the power to take on the challenges of a dynamic and competitive world. Through our reading programme, we encourage our students to spend quality time reading a variety of periodicals, journals, magazines, fiction, encyclopaedias and reference books.
Our teaching techniques are mostly student centered rather than teacher centered.We adopt play way method and activity based learning thereby bringing out the inert talents of students. The parents of the students are mostly day labours. Some are private employees.Many parents are uneducated who wish to give good education to their children.
Apart from curriculum, regular classes on






House System
- Prudent Perceivers : Insight of good sensible persons
- Ardent Achievers : Enthusiastically motivated persons
- Eminent Rankers : Supreme fame achieved persons
- Diligent Devotees : Consciously dedicated persons
Each student of the school is a member of one of the four Houses.
Every holistic child has a good sense and insight of knowledge,which is imparted in the early age of education .By growing consicious insight of knowledge leads to enthusiastic motivation. With the help of this joyfulness attain fame in all supreme qualities .With the zeal of self confidence [Trust Thyself] ,a person can surrender to the inert potentiality with consiciousness & dedication. All these four Divine houses construct all these traits like a baby in a mother womb.
The House system is an integral part of our school, and helps in co-ordinating various activities,assembly general knowledge quiz leads to the building up of spirit and companionship among students. Each House is placed under a team of House Mistress who are directly responsible for the discipline and general well-being of the members of the House.
They are assisted in their tasks by a team of tutors .Regular Inter-House competitions are held throughout the year in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which foster healthy competitive spirit. The House vies with one another to keep the house flag aloft and win the coveted Winner house trophy.
Teacher is just a gardener. He / she is just an observer , helper and guide who ensures proper and safe growth of students in a happy contented way . “ All the best Always the best” “ Be happy ever” are the blessings of every teacher to her /his wards. He/she adopts every child and monitors its overall growth till the child becomes matured enough. Personal attention and motherly care is given us “ Teacher is a second mother”.